Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Voient du stress à travail, la révolution industriel et un chat

Fucking fabrics of LIGHT SMOKE.

Where´s the LIME?

I can´t see it here near the lamp.

POLLY and JEAN, give Me the joys of Industrial Revolution.

They marked an endless Journey toward this simple lamp.

Smoke, what are you doing here, near my LAMP;

Where it all started?

Ideas wandering towards ENCEFALIC sex.

Polly spread your legs, JEAN sing to ME.

Give me the bloody LIME.

Why has the LIGHT gone out?

Why the Industrial REVOLUTION?
For you Polly?

For JEAN or the LIME?

CARESS me with your fingers softly.
(Text: Manuel Espirito Santo)
(Image: Rodrigo de Oliveira)

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